Albany's State Bird is BLUE, and the Flower is Rose. The closest I have ever been to Albany was my visit to Plattsburgh for pleasure and a short trip to Canada via Plattsburgh, in the '70s; and during the years, 2004-2007, remanded via the courts to Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center, due to a CPL 730. My Plattsburgh visit was more pleasurable. Both counties had one thing in common -- FRESH, CLEAN AIR -- but Canada (the other country) - topped them -- the subways were immaculate--not a speck -- you could literally eat off the floor. This is such a coincidence -- to get to Orange County Supreme Court to view my sealed file -- I had to go via New Jersey (another state) to get to Upstate New York --hope I got the geography right -- it's worst than history. Go figure!!!!
Come to think of it, I had to write Albany a lot -- "Rap Sheet City"- (Criminal Record History Information) -- 4 Tower Place, which paid off -- my New York State Identification (3169626N) is sealed and, hopefully, before the year is over, I will take Albany by "storm" -- must look in this sealed file (the last), as I did The Bronx and Orange County Supreme Courts. Oh! the MYSTERY OF SEALED FILES -- (it's what you entered into it as PRO-SE) -- and what else was entered as "THE GATE." The Certificate of Disposition says it all in a word-- "NULLITY." -- And to think, during 2004-2007, and present Albany was graced with Governors: -- George Pataki; Eliot Spitzer; David Paterson, and, now Andrew Cuomo and one Mayor of the City of New York--Michael R. Bloomberg, and his Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, and the same District Attorney for the County of the Bronx, Robert T. Johnson. .
THANKS, at least I got my directions and states right -- New Jersey is another state, and Canada is another Country, and the counties (Plattsburgh, Mid-Hudson and Orange) are located in the State of New York, ALBANY, the capital of NEW YORK CITY!!!!!